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Kosava, the Radost Women's Folk Choir, was first organized to participate in Radost's 20th Anniversary Show. Member Anne Pryich brought together Radost alumni and other singers from the Seattle community, and with the enjoyment and success of that program, the choir began to meet regularly and work on new material.  Presently, Kosava enjoys a wealth of experience in Balkan singing styles with its seven members, many of whom have been singing Balkan songs for decades.  Jody Rush directs the choir.

Prior to Kosava, Jody Rush, Dottie Cirelli and Kathy Sandstrom were members of Vecerinka ("evening party"), a local Balkan women's choir directed by Seattle's own nationally recognized and highly respected Balkan singing teacher, Mary Sherhart.  Anne Pryich joined Vecerinka its last year. Preceding this was a come one-come all local women's Balkan choir "Sedyanka," also directed by Mary Sherhart.  Jody, Dottie and Kathy were also members of Sedyanka.  Together, these choirs delighted audiences at the Northwest Folklife Festival, Cyril & Methodius Day, Radost shows, and other local events for years.

The choir specializes in music from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Croatia, Russia (Old Believer), plus some Serbian and Greek.  New choir members Deb Crespin, Jen Blecha and Dina Trageser bring another dimension and depth of experience to the choir.  A Bosnian village song has been added to the repertoire.  The audience experience is enriched by the choir's wearing stunning antique village costumes and jewelry.  Several members have traveled to the Balkans and experienced the culture first hand.

Highlights of last year's season include Kosava's performances at the Seattle Folklife Festival, University of Washington Ethnomusicology Department's student's concert, appearances with the band Balkanarama and a workshop with famous Bulgarian singer, Kremena Stanceva. This season, Kosava has been invited to sing at the Crossroads Mall open mic program for a capella groups.

If you have an interest in joining Kosava, please contact Anne Pryich at (425) 488-7151.

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