This song, heard in Northern Macedonia and in Bulgaria, was first performed by Petranka Kostadinova at the Valandovo Folk Fest in southeast Macedonia in 1990. We play it as a cocek dance. “Majstore” (literally “master”) refers to a master of a particular craft or trade. This one, hmm, perhaps he is very skilled with his big, strong hands…
There are two versions of the lyrics: the original Macedonian lyrics and a Bulgarian version that we learned from Mary Sherhart in Seattle.
Majstore majstore
Macedonian lyrics:
Majstore majstore lyrics
Bulgarian lyrics:
Majstore majstore lyrics 2
Performed in Macedonian by Petranka Kostadinova at Valandovo in 1990:
Performed in Macedonian by Aneta Micevska at Valandovo in 2017:
(The accordion player needs to lighten up…)
Performed in Bulgarian by Toni Dacheva with Kristal in 1991 or 1992: